
Welcome to DBASELER.ORG.  This website was originally started to provide a place for information and ideas geared especially to Christian non-profit organizations, with special attention in the areas of communication, leadership and organization.

Because Dave has essentially retired from working with Christian non-profits, this website now includes a number of personal items. Specifically, Dave finished a book about his life in April 2024. This book, titled The Stories of My Life, was the result of a gift from his children to a subscription to www.Storyworth.com. The book mentions several events and refers readers to this website for more information.

Dave has spent more than five decades working in various aspects of communications, marketing, branding, board participation and leadership.  He has been passing along the knowledge and experience that God has given him.  You can still find information about these areas in the menu on the left, specifically in the links to “Communications 101,” “Boardsmanship,” and “Branding.” The section titled “About Dave” will provide more background information.

If you have questions or if there is a way in which you think Dave can be of help, please contact him.  Because of Dave’s current situation, e-mail is the best way to make an initial contact.