Further Reading

You may be interested in exploring the following short articles on the subject of Branding and Naming. Just click on the title – the article will open in a new window.

Branding – an excellent overview of the subject by Brad Cathey, president of Highgate Cross + Cathey

The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding – a summary of the classic book by Al and Laura Ries

A Brand Makeover – an article written by Dave for the Christian Management Association magazine that summarizes the rebranding and name change made by Avant Ministries (formerly Gospel Missionary Union).

What’s In A Name – an article by David Miller, president of The Avodah Institute, about the selection of their name.

‘Power of The Name’ and ‘The No-Name Trap’ – if you have shortened your name to just initials, you really need to read this excerpt of two chapters from “Positioning: The Battle For Your Mind” by Al Ries and Jack Trout.

Trademark Basic Facts – this is a large document from the US Patent & Trademark Office that discusses the whole trademark issue. 

Contact Dave for further information about why this is an important issue in Branding.

© 2024 David J. Baseler